Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I Never Thought I'd Get to See Mount Rushmore

Back when Tom was planning this vacation, the kids requested that we add Mount Rushmore to the trip. South Dakota isn't really near anywhere we were going to visit but they were excited, so we added the old dudes on the wall - and I'm really glad that did.
While staying in Custer, SD, this week, we have also visited Custer State Park and Jewel Cave - I'll add those photos under separate blog entries because both were just as amazing as Mount Rushmore - and I've got lots of photos!
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln
They had an evening event here that ends with the lights - very beautiful. Henry somehow thought light show meant laser light show.....with Pink Floyd in the background?
I love this shot because it's after the rain and it changed the color of some of the granite to give the faces stripes.
Eating our ice cream as we walked the loop trail in the rain.

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