Sunday, August 11, 2013


We stopped in Atlanta at Jessica's request. Apparently, one of her science teachers this last year talked about it in class and Jessica loves aquariums.

We have been members to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Sea World San Diego - so we are not easily impressed when it comes to aquariums - we were very impressed today. Definitely worth the detour.

Jessi and I were dancing and waving our arms i front of the beluga whales and they would slow way down to check us out - so fun!
Jessi sitting in front of the big tank.
Earlier in the morning - before the aquarium got crowded - Jessi sitting by herself in front of the tank.
Saw fish....
Henry took these next two photos - the fish kept looking at him straight on :)


Washington, DC


Scaffolding on lower right of Lincoln Memorial is from the green paint damage a couple of weeks ago.
Washington Monument still has the scaffolding from earthquake damage a couple of years ago - makes for a cool night shot.

The Capital

These got us in to see the Senate Chambers - not in session.

The Supreme Court

The facade of the building is currently being refurbished - they have this huge photo canvas on the front so we could still get the "feel"
We got to peek into the actual courtroom - we could've gone in if we were willing to sit through a lecture - but we weren't

The Library of Congress

The White House

Thanks to Sequester, our White House tour was canceled so no inside shots.
From Henry: it looks larger on TV.

The Smithsonian

We saw the panda for literally 10 seconds before he lumbered to the back to sleep for the rest of the day. The other panda wasn't out because she was in the back trying to get pregnant....
Henry LOVED the Air & Space Museum!
The kids made me take a photo of this and were stunned that I once had a computer very similar
From the museum on American History.

Mount Vernon

George and Martha's home - definitely worth the drive.

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing

No photos were allowed inside but we got a photo with this stack of uncut $10 right outside. Great tour - the best part was watching an employee clear a paper jam and then crinkle up the wrinkled sheets of $ while smiling at us.


The Subway

We've now used the subways in four cities - it was nice not having to worry about parking.



Philadelphia and Gettysburg


Liberty Bell....
Independence Hall - where the Declaration of Independence was signed and Constitutional Convention was held.
The actual room in Independence Hall for the two events.
One of two mints in US that makes coins in circulation. Free tour and it was amazing watching them make coins! No photos allowed.


There are over 1000 monuments such as these in the historic park.
Looking out over the battlefield.
Where Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address.




Financial District

So many iconic spots in New York....

The Village

We walked around and had lunch in The Village but this is really our only photo.

The apartment building in the TV show Friends.


The kids have been smashing pennies through out the trip - they have a folder at home they collect where they collect them.
We had to stop in FAO Schwarz! This Statue of Liberty is made out of Legos.
The Met was amazing but if I had to do it again, I would just wander around instead of trying to see specific things - we kept getting lost.

The Empire State Building

Worth the crazy security and 2 hour wait line - but when did this place get so popular?


Statue of Liberty

The Statue had been closed since Hurricane Sandy - and had opened a couple weeks before our visit. Apparently the damage to the island was extensive - even the brick walkways had to be replaced.
Ellis Island is still closed.
In the museum - actual size of Her feet.
This photo was taken from the pedestal of the statue.