Monday, July 29, 2013

Niagara Falls

From the Canada Side

Thank you, Becky for suggesting we stay at the Hilton on the Canadian side of the Falls - it was worth the hassle of getting passports for the kids. Our room had floor to ceiling view of all three falls. the buildings in the photo are in New York.

View of the falls from our hotel room.
Gorgeous views but, oh man, was it hot and humid.

The Falls from the U.S. Side

The U.S. side of the falls is surrounded by a State park with walking paths leading to spectacular views looking over each of the falls - some of them quite wet. It was here that we could feel the power and size of each. Because of the heat wave during our visit, we got up really early - and almost had the views to ourselves for a bit. It was mesmerizing and in a couple spots we just sat and watched.
Our hotel is one of the buildings in the background.

The Storm

Being from California, we don't see much crazy weather. Our last evening, we were sitting in a restaurant when we noticed people on the street staring up at the sky. This is what we saw when we joined them. We made it back to our hotel minutes before a huge storm hit.


Saturday, July 27, 2013


We loved Chicago. It has a great vibe: so much to see and do, such great food - and everywhere we went people were friendly.

The Bean

Tom caught our reflections in The Bean

Taking the L

Henry got a kick out of riding the trains - after we arrived at the hotel, we didn't return to van until we left Chicago.

Boat Tour

We took a boat tour on the river and lake
Chicago skyline from the boat.

Top of the Willis Tower

Checking out the view of the Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower)

At the top there are four Skydecks that allow people to walk out past the building and see through to the street - it was pretty freaky the first time I did it.

Chicago Dogs

Chicago has the most amazing Chicago dogs. Jessica ordered a plain one and received a very odd look :)

Lego Store

Henry had a blast checking out the Lego store. This is the front window with the Chicago skyline in Legos.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

River Boat Tour on the Mississippi

This statue of Lewis and Clark is usually not under water - but the river is currently about 18 feet higher than normal.



Monday, July 22, 2013

Exploring The Arch in St. Louis

We really got a kick out the Arch. I wasn't sure Henry would be able to handle the four minute ride to the top in the tiny car that holds 5 people - but he did and it was worth it.

The kids sharing a corner at the base of the Arch
No idea who Morgan is or if she/he said yes but we got a kick out of this proposal.
Tiny windows at the top but great views.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Morning in Bandelier

We loved Bandelier National Monument in Los Alamos. It was a beautiful hike up to structural remains and petroglyphs of Pueblo Indians.

There were several ladders allowing peeks into higher living quarters.
A macaw petroglyph
Who knew happy faces haven't changed much over the years?



Historical Santa Fe

It was fun walking around the older area Santa Fe. Here's are a few of our photos.

The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
San Miguel Church - oldest church structure in the United States (ca. 1610)
Ringing the bell inside San Miguel Church


Monday, July 1, 2013

Petrified Forests, Petroglyphs, and Old Volcanos

On our way to New Mexico, we made a quick stop at Petrified Forest National Park. Here are a couple shots from Painted Desert - which is in the Park.
Today, we spent a few hours hiking in Petroglyph National Monument. Our favorite part were the volcanoes.

This was cool - we used our iPhones for audio tours.
Couldn't believe how close this little guy let Tom get for the photo.